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Courroie des ZeroMa FXS 2016 a une courroie qui a eu tendance à se tendre toute seule pendant les premiers mois. C'est étrange...
C'est clairement le premier qui est adapté aux Zero. On le trouve par exemple ici. La transmission de ma FXS fait un bruit de sifflement jouissif. On lit dans le manuel de service de Zero : Belt Lubrication
The belt can make noise when forced to run hard against the flanges on the sprockets. This can be due to sprocket misalignment, wheel misalignment, or runout in the drive caused by damaged components. Spraying water on the belt may quiet the drive for a few minutes, but the permanent solution is to correct the alignment or replace the damaged components.
In most cases simply hosing off the belt and sprockets after a ride will end the noise. If noise continues, the solution is simple: Spray the belt with water, wait for it to dry, and apply a thin coating of dry silicone spray to the tooth side of the belt. Dry silicone dries instantly, helps shed grit, and does not affect the longevity of the belt.
1. Remove the key from the key switch.
2. Raise and safely support the motorcycle so that the rear wheel is off the ground.
3. Spray the belt with water and allow it to fully dry.
Caution: Do not allow any of the silicone spray to get on the brake rotor or brake pads.
4. Using a dry silicone lubricant and a clean shop towel, with the shop towel on the opposite side of the belt, spray a 3 to 4 inch spot on the inside of the belt.
5. Rotate the tire and spray another 3 to 4 inch spot on the belt opposite where it was sprayed before.
6. Rotate the wheel in order to evenly distribute the lubricant.
On lit quasiment la même chose dans la FAQ de Gates, à la rubrique "Mon entraînement grince ou fait du bruit, quelle en est la cause et comment y remédier ?". Ils y conseillent même ce produit: CRC 05074 Heavy Duty Silicone Lubricant. |