Computation of a photonic crystal lens using the "Combined Fictitious Sources - Scattering Matrix Method"
Photonic crystal lens. The source location is x = 0 and y = 5.3 µm.
Left: modulus of the complex field. Right: real field.
This program is described in the paper
[1] G. Tayeb, S. Enoch, "Combined Fictitious Sources - Scattering Matrix method", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 21, No.8, p.1417-1423, 2004. PDF
and used in the paper
[2] T. Decoopman, G. Tayeb, S. Enoch, D. Maystre, B. Gralak, "Photonic
crystal lens: from negative refraction and negative index to negative
permittivity and permeability", Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 , 073905 (2006). PDF
It is given as a compiled version that should work on a desktop computer running under Windows with Intel processor.
Since the original program has too many options that cannot be
described easily, this version has reduced functionalities. At the
present time, it only deals with a triangular lattice of rods, and the
jacket has a rectangular shape.
The syntax to use it is: CMD prompt> FS_SMM_02.exe <
where is the input file.
Note that the compiled version of the code FS_SMM_02.exe is protected. If you are interested, ask me the
login and password (my email address is there).
The various parameters in the input file are described inside the file.
This example
computes the case related to the figure 11 in Ref. [1]. On a Intel
Core2 @ 2.66GHz, this computation should take a little bit less than 16
This other input file computes the case related to the figure 6 in Ref. [2].
The computation creates a lot of files that are not all useful. In order to suppress the unnecessary files, run CMD prompt> clean.bat
You should be able to get a graph like the following one (made with
Microcal Origin), representing the modulus of the electric field:
by using the following files (replace XXX by the string used in the
first line of the input file. In this case, XXX = fig11_JOSAA_2004):
cartechamp.XXX.dat : gives the modulus and the phase of the field for the various positions
XXX.xy.dat : gives the positions of the centers of the rods (columns 2 and 3)
prof_norm.XXX : gives the jacket profile (columns 1 and 2)
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